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Well, How DID I Get Here???

A Conversation with John Gomez

Episode date - June 28, 2023


    This show was 100% unplanned. After a spell of… 25 years (holy shit!), my old friend John Gomez surprisingly stopped by the station to say hi and without any forethought or plan, we more or less KNEW that we’d end up talking our way through our hour of broadcast time.

    We simply did what came naturally. Gomez is the man who worked at WHPC doing two shows a week here back in the ‘90s, and it is John who passed the baton to me when he went ‘pro’ on commercial radio. John is the reason my show exists, so when he showed up a few minutes before show time, it was obvious that we’d need to go ‘on air’ together. It felt right, and John brought out a lot of memories and personal details that I otherwise may not have mentioned on air.

    I’m grateful for John, and if you enjoy listening to Heidy and I, I believe that this show will likely help you feel as if you know us quite well (which, in essence, you most certainly do). This is just the sound of a few close friends rambling, but imagine my happiness to have John ‘guesting’ on our show, while acknowledging that he is the reason we have a show in the first place! A quarter century later, things are somehow still alright. Life is good, isn’t it?