The Rolling Stones: Time Is on My Side

The Rolling Stones: First U.S. Visit

Episode 6

Episode date - September 13, 2013

How Music Changed

    For the Rolling Stones, emulating American blues and R&B was one thing. Bringing their interpretations to America, though, was another thing entirely.

    America wasn’t even paying much attention to the original artists, so why would we care to hear a bunch of teen-aged limeys doing their impressions of authentic Blues artists who appeared passé in 1964? To coin a phrase, would the Rolling Stones be ‘bringing coals to Newcastle” (which is the English equivalent of saying ‘bringing sand to the beach’)?

    The band’s first tour of America was a mixed affair because their arrival predated their subsequent superstardom; some markets in Mid-America barely knew anything at all about the Rolling Stones. The highlight of their trip occurred in Chicago, when the band scheduled a recording session at Chess Records, the birthplace of their favorite music.

    Within minutes of their arrival, the band found themselves surrounded by their heroes, including Muddy Waters and Chuck Berry, who stopped by to check out the unusual interpretive competition from England. Over two days of recording, the results were mixed, but produced some of the best music the band had recorded to date.

    Featured tracks include;

    1) It’s All Over Now

    2) Good Times, Bad Times

    3) Don’t Lie to Me

    4) If You Need Me

    5) Empty Heart

    6) 2120 South Michigan Avenue

    7) Confessin’ the Blues

    8) Around and Around

    9) Time Is on My Side

    10) Congratulations

    11) Under the Boardwalk

    12) Grown Up Wrong

    13) Susie Q

    Channel 143 - The Rolling Stones