Oh Yeah – Shadows of Knight

Nuggets: Are We Done Yet? “N-O SPELLS NO!”

Episode 23

Episode date - February 24, 2023

How Music Changed

    It seems that the deeper we delve into our alphabetical “Nuggets” series, the more uniquely obscure and interesting they are becoming.

    Perhaps it is only because this series is very unlike any other series (so far) in the “How Music Changed” series, or maybe it’s simply because only one song in this show could qualify as ‘popular’. See for yourself:

    Nobody but Me - The Human Beinz

    Nothin’ – The Ugly Ducklings

    November Night – Peter Fonda

    October Country – October Country

    Oh Yeah – Shadows of Knight

    Old Boris – Bela La Goldenstein

    Once Upon a Time – Tim Buckley

    One Eyed Witch – The 7th Court

    One of the Guys – MC5

    One Third – The Majority

    One Too Many Mornings – The Association

    One Track Mind – The Knickerbockers

    Only When You’re Lonely – The Grass Roots

    Open My Eyes – Nazz

    Open Up Your Door – Richard and the Young Lions

    Channel 153 - Nuggets