The Kinks: Misfits
Episode 30
Episode date - May 18, 2018

At this point in time, ‘Misfits’ pretty well described the Kinks themselves.
After being outsiders for more than a decade, the band suddenly found themselves in the position of actually being popular in America. Progressive FM stations were playing songs from the band’s previous album and “Misfits” was just as welcome by DJ’s looking for contemporary music that didn’t stray too far outside of the box.
It was an era when the Kinks almost seemed to be playing it safe, but in truth, the band was in turmoil, with the band’s bassist Andy Pyle leaving after only one album, taking pianist John Gosling with him. Still in all, this is the Davies’ Brothers show, with Ray still writing incredibly engaging songs and Dave playing rock and roll guitar custom-designed for FM radio.
Featured tracks include;
Hay Fever
Black Messiah
Rock n Roll Fantasy
In a Foreign Land
Permanent Waves
Live Life
Out of the Wardrobe
Trust Your Heart
Get Up
Artificial Light
The Poseur
Prince of the Punks
Channel 149 - The Kinks
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